Ochsenreiter lab
Ochsenreiter lab
Institute of Cell Biology - University of Bern - Switzerland

mitochondrial biogenesis - molecular parasitology

expansion microscopy of procyclic form trypanosomes - this technique allows us to expand the cells by a factor of 4-5 and thus increases resolution accordingly -the cells are stained with an anti-tubulin antibody and dapi to visualize the dna

Expansion microscopy is a technique used to visualize procyclic form trypanosomes. It allows us to expand the cells by a factor of 4-5, thereby increasing resolution accordingly. The cells are stained with an anti-tubulin antibody and DAPI to visualize the DNA.

thin section transmission electron microscopy image of a trypanosome - prominent in the middle is the mitochondrial genome aka the kinetoplast surrounded by the mitochohndrial membranes

This is a thin-section transmission electron microscopy image of a trypanosome. Prominently visible in the middle is the kinetoplast, which is the mitochondrial genome, surrounded by the mitochondrial membranes.

de-noised cryo-electron tomography image of the tac region of zoid trypanosoma brucei - bb, basal body; pbb, pro basal body - ax, axoneme - kdna, kinetoplast DNA; mtq, microtubule quartet - fb, flagellar pocket - scale bar, 200nm

A de-noised cryo-electron tomography image of the TAC (Tripartite Attachment Complex) region of a trypanosome. BB, basal body; pBB, pro-basal body; Ax, axoneme; kDNA, kinetoplast DNA; MTQ, microtubule quartet; and FP, flagellar pocket.


Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream form cells